Work in Progress
New Piece commissioned by BMV, will be premiered by the ensemble Eighth blackbird in their next season
December 9
stacked emotions for ensemble (2019) performed by NEC New Music Ensemble at Burnes Hall
March 1 and 2
Four Pieces for Cello and Piano commissioned by Joseph Gotoff, premiered in Washington D.C by Joseph Gotoff and Wan-Chi Su
New Piece commissioned and will be premiered by the ensemble Phoenix Orchestra
Recording 200° Due Clara published by the Chelsea Music Festival
Here Her Now project, commissioned by Jamie Clark, will be premiered in Stetson University in Florida
July 30th
Online Encores by the Chelsea Music Festival
Stacked Emotions for Choir, Piano and String Ensemble
February 26th
Marking Infinity II for Solo Violin (2016)
Brown Hall, New England Conservatory, Boston MA
June 8th
Stacked Emotions for Choir, Piano and String Ensemble at the Chelsea Music Festival
Andrea Lam, GHOSTLIGHT CHORUS, Chelsea Music Festival Ensemble
St. Paul's German Lutheran Church, New York, NY
Jordan Hall, Boston MA
Honors Ensemble Competition TBA
Stacked Emotions for String Quartet
April 21
the return of the repressed for Bassoon and Soprano
Arrayspace, Toronto Canada
April 19
the return of the repressed for Bassoon and Soprano
Slate Arts Media, Chicago IL
April 15
the return of the repressed for Bassoon and Soprano
Night Heron, Houston TX
April 4
new work for flute, cello and piano TBA
Washington, D.C.
March 25
the return of the repressed for Bassoon and Soprano
New School of Music, Boston MA
March 24
the return of the repressed for Bassoon and Soprano
Scholes Studio, Brooklyn NY
March 23
the return of the repressed for Bassoon and Soprano
Temple University, Philadelphia PA
for PUSHBACK COLLECTIVE: Ben Roidl-Ward and Alexandra Smither
2019 Tour
February 16
new work for chamber orchestra
Kelly Strayhorn Theater, Pittsburgh PA
new work for orchestra TBA
August 3
Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival, commissioned for Flux Quartet
New Mexico Museum of Art
Stacked Emotions for String Quartet
June 8
Shakespeare project
Ewha University, Case Hall, Seoul, Korea
give me your hand for Mezzo soprano, Cello and Piano (2018)
April 28
Shakespeare project
Wellesley College, Wellesley MA
give me your hand for Mezzo soprano, Cello and Piano (2018)
April 27
Shakespeare project
Jordan Hall, Boston MA
give me your hand for Mezzo soprano, Cello and Piano (2018)
April 22
Civic Orchestra New Music Workshop
Buntrock Hall at Symphony Center, Chicago IL
Alice in Wonderland (2016)
August 19
the New Fromm players
(Micah Brightwell vn, Mary Ferrillo va, Francesca McNeeley vc, Michael James Smith pf, Xiaofan Liu vn, Leon Bernsdorf pf)
Piece-A-Day Project
Ozawa Hall, Tanglewood Music Center, Lenox, MA
July 16
Xiaofan Liu (New Fromm player)
Ozawa Hall, Tanglewood Music Center, Lenox, MA
Marking Infinity II for Solo Violin (2016)
June 26
Ensemble MoKo Musik
Flaminia 118, Roma, Italy
far, far away... for DaeGeum and Violin (2014)
February 22
Mason Yu
Keller Hall, New England Conservatory, Boston MA
Marking Infinity II for solo violin (2016)
November 19
DMA Recital
Brown Hall, New England Conservatory, Boston MA
new works
September 18
WordSong Project/ David Kravitz and Linda Osborn
Pickman Hall, Longy School of Music of Bard College, Cambridge MA
DAWN for Baritone and Piano (2014)
May 21
Ensemble MoKo Musik
Asia Society, Houston TX
new work/ TBA
May 4
Composers' Series
Jordan Hall, Boston MA
Shibboleth for solo cello (2015)
March 13
LoadBang Project
Opera America, NYC
the Brothers and the Magic beans (2016)
February 6
WordSong Project
Museum of Fine Art, Boston MA
DAWN for Baritone and Piano (2014)
December 5
Joseph Gotoff
Brown Hall, Boston MA
Shibboleth for solo cello (2015)
May 6
Dustin Chung, Mason Yu, Joseph Gotoff and Yi-Wen Lai
Jordan Hall, Boston MA
SoRi for clarinet violin cello and piano (2013)
February 22
Boston Young Composer's Ensemble (BYCE)
Brown Hall, Boston MA
far, far away... for flute and violin (2014)
February 8
WordSong Project/ DongWon Kim and Linda Osborn
House Concert, Cambridge MA
DAWN for Barritone and Piano (2014)
January 30
WordSong Project/ DongWon Kim and Linda Osborn
Emmanuel College Auditorium, Boston MA
DAWN for Barritone and Piano (2014)
August 7
Liz HaeRim Lee, ARam Lee (MoKo Musik)
DaeJeon Art Center, Daejeon Korea
far, far away... ... for DaeGeum and Violin (2014)
July 19
Governor's school of North Carolina Orchestra
Hanes Auditorium, Salem College, Winston-Salem NC
Accumulated Traces for Orchestra (2013/14)
June 17
Erberk Eryilmaz and Carlos Camacho
Teatro Anita Villalaz, Panama City
tilting planet for percussion and piano (2013)
June 7
Seattle Metropolitan Chamber Orchestra
Chapel Performance Space, Seattle WA
the letting go for chamber orchestra (2014)
June 6
Ensemble CourtCircuit
June in Buffalo, Buffalo NY
lovesick for 7 players (2013)
May 11
Erberk Eryilmaz and Carlos Camacho
ACH, Pittsburgh PA
tilting planet for percussion and piano (2013)
March 29
Half Stick Duo
Truro Anglican Church, Fairfax VA
tilting planet for percussion and piano (2013)
March 28
Boston Modern Orchestra Project
Jordan hall, Boston MA
Accumulated Traces for Orchestra (2013/14)
February 21
Half Stick Duo
Ward Theater, Mt. Pleasant MI
tilting planet for percussion and piano (2013)
December 12
Half Stick Duo
Kerrytown Concert House, Ann Arbor MI
tilting planet for percussion and piano (2013)
August 13
Aspen Contemporary Ensemble (ACE)
Scanlan Hall, Aspen CO
SoRi for clarinet, violin, cello and piano (2013)
July 26
Aspen Contemporary Ensemble (ACE)
Harris Hall, Aspen CO
SoRi for clarinet, violin, cello and piano (2013)
July 14
AACA Orchestra
Harris Hall, Aspen CO
Accumulated Traces (2013/14)
March 23
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Reading Session
Heinz Hall, Pittsburgh PA
Annual Reading Session under Leonard Slatkin and Mason Bates